Tuesday 13 May 2014

Lightbulb Frog

This is the pencil version of my lightbulb frog. I have also included the penned version as well as the final colour design. 

I have also included the images I used for reference.

This is the information I have gathered about frogs as well as some information about bioluminescence which is the chemical reaction that happens in animals that create light. I will use this information to write about my creature.

Pool Frog

Pelophylax lessonae - formerly Rana lessonae

Where to find them

Pool frogs were presumed extinct in the wild in 1995, but have since been reintroduced at a single site in East Anglia.


Pool frogs are extremely variable in colour, although the type reintroduced to the UK are predominantly brown with dark brown or black blotches over the back and a lighter, often yellow, dorsal stripe.
Adults can grow up to 9cm in length but males are significantly smaller. During the breeding season the males have a loud call generated by a pair of inflatable pouches (vocal sacs) each side of the mouth; a feature absent from the common frog Rana temporaria.


Pool frogs breed much later in the year than the common frog. Breeding coincides with the onset of warm nights in May/June. The spawn ‘rafts’ are typically smaller than those of the common frog, and individual eggs are brown above and yellowish below. Pool frogs (and other members of the green frog 'complex') are known to bask in the sunshine on even the hottest days.

Ecology Found in damp densely vegetated areas.  Prefer slow flowing waterways such as calm rivers, ponds or marshes.  Hibernates on land during the winter.  Feed on a wide range of invertebrates including spiders, insects, moths and flies.Small spawn ‘rafts’. Individual eggs are brown on top and yellowish underneath. Predators and other threats Threatened by drainage of fenlands.  Predators include Grass Snakes, herons, owls and some wading birds.

Pool Frogs are very aquatic and spend much of the year in or near the water; they also tend to bask in sunshine even on very hot days.

often difficult to locate, as they will dive into water at the slightest disturbance.

The pool frog is the rarest amphibian in England and actually is thought to have been extinct in native environment during the 1990s, but re-introduction programmes are now under-way.

The northern pool frog is naturally found in Sweden, Norway and on Britain's south-east coast where it inhabits natural ponds found in forested or heathland areas. Much of the pool frog's native habitat has now been bulldozed to create housing estates which led to the sharp decline and extinction of this species on the British Isles.
Frogs are well known for their webbed feet, and the pool frog is no exception. Pool frogshave webbing (flaps of skin) between their toes which not only assists the pool frog when swimming about in the water but also gives these rare amphibians more grip when climbing about on the slippery banks of the pond.
Like other frog species, pool frogs are carnivorous animals, surviving on a diet that consists only of other animals. Pool frogs eat a wide variety of invertebrates including insects, worms and spiders which they catch using their long sticky tongue, after having watching their dinner patiently for some time.
Due to their large size and semi-aquatic lifestyle, there are numerous different animalswhich prey on pool frogs in their natural environment. Birds and small mammals are the most common predators of the pool frog, along with foxes, cats, dogs and even largerbirds of prey.
Pool Frog Facts
Pelophylax Lessonae
5cm - 9cm (1.9in - 3.5in)
20g - 80g (0.7oz - 2.8oz)
8km/h (5mph)
1 - 6 years
Least Concern
Brown, Green, Black, Yellow
Favourite Food:
Woodland ponds
Insects, Moths, Spiders
Foxes, Cats, Birds
Spotted patterned skin and pointed snout

At first sight, frogs seem rather defenceless because of their small size, slow movement, thin skin, and lack of defensive structures, such as spines, claws or teeth. Many use camouflage to avoid detection, the skin often being spotted or streaked in neutral colours that allow a stationary frog to merge into its surroundings. Some can make prodigious leaps, often into water, that help them to evade potential attackers, while many have other defensive adaptations and strategies.[108]
The skin of many frogs contains mild toxic substances called bufotoxins to make them unpalatable to potential predators. Most toads and some frogs have large poison glands, the parotoid glands, located on the sides of their heads behind the eyes and other glands elsewhere on their bodies. These glands secrete mucus and a range of toxins that make frogs slippery to hold and distasteful or poisonous. If the noxious effect is immediate, the predator may cease its action and the frog may escape. If the effect develops more slowly, the predator may learn to avoid that species in future.[147] Poisonous frogs tend to advertise their toxicity with bright colours, an adaptive strategy known as aposematism. The poison dart frogs in the family Dendrobatidae do this. They are typically red, orange, or yellow, often with contrasting black markings on their bodies. Allobates zaparo is not poisonous, but mimics the appearance of two different toxic species with which it shares a common range in an effort to deceive predators.[148] Other species, such as the European fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina), have their warning colour underneath. They "flash" this when attacked, adopting a pose that exposes the vivid colouring on their bellies.[6]
Some frogs, such as the poison dart frogs, are especially toxic. The native people of South America extract poison from these frogs to apply to their weapons for hunting,[149] although few species are toxic enough to be used for this purpose. At least two non-poisonous species of frogs in tropical America (Eleutherodactylus gaigei and Lithodytes lineatusmimic the colouration of dart poison frogs for self-protection.[150][151] Some frogs obtain poisons from the ants and other arthropods they eat.[152] Others, such as the Australian corroboree frogs (Pseudophryne corroboree and Pseudophryne pengilleyi), can synthesize the alkaloids themselves.[153] The chemicals involved may be irritants, hallucinogensconvulsantsnerve poisons or vasoconstrictors. Many predators of frogs have become adapted to tolerate high levels of these poisons, but other creatures, including humans who handle the frogs, may be severely affected.[154]
Some frogs use bluff or deception. The European common toad (Bufo bufo) adopts a characteristic stance when attacked, inflating its body and standing with its hindquarters raised and its head lowered.[155] The bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) crouches down with eyes closed and head tipped forward when threatened. This places the parotoid glands in the most effective position, the other glands on its back begin to ooze noxious secretions and the most vulnerable parts of its body are protected.[108] Another tactic used by some frogs is to "scream", the sudden loud noise tending to startle the predator. The gray tree frog (Hyla versicolor) makes an explosive sound that sometimes repels the shrew Blarina brevicauda.[108] Although toads are avoided by many predators, the common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) regularly feeds on them. The strategy employed by juvenile American toads (Bufo americanus) on being approached by a snake is to crouch down and remain immobile. This is usually successful, with the snake passing by and the toad remaining undetected. If it is encountered by the snake's head, however, the toad hops away before crouching defensively.[156]


Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism. Bioluminescence occurs widely in marine vertebrates andinvertebrates, as well as in some fungi, microorganisms and terrestrial invertebrates. Some symbiotic organisms carried within larger organisms produce light.


The French pharmacologist Raphaël Dubois carried out early work on bioluminescence.[1]
Before the development of the safety lamp for use in coal mines, dried fish skins were used in Britain and Europe as a weak source of light.[2][3]


Bioluminescence is a form of luminescence, or "cold light" emission by living organisms; less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation. It should not be confused withiridescence, structural coloration, phosphorescence.
By etymology, bioluminescence is a hybrid word, originating from the Greek bios for "living" and the Latin lumen "light".
Bioluminescence is a form of chemiluminescence where light energy is released by a chemical reaction. Fireflies, anglerfish, and other creatures produce the chemicals luciferin (apigment) and luciferase (an enzyme).[4] The luciferin reacts with oxygen to create light. The luciferase acts as a catalyst to speed up the reaction, which is sometimes mediated by cofactors such as calcium ions or ATP. The chemical reaction can occur either inside or outside the cell. In bacteria, the expression of genes related to bioluminescence is controlled by an operon called the Lux operon.[5]


Bioluminescence occurs widely among some groups of animals, especially in the open sea; in some fungi and bacteria; and in various terrestrial invertebrates including insects. Many, perhaps most deep-sea animals produce light. Most marine light-emission is in the blue and green light spectrum, the wavelengths that pass furthest through seawater. However, some loose-jawed fish emit red and infrared light, and the genus Tomopteris emits yellow light. Sometimes thousands of square miles of the ocean shine with the light of bioluminescent bacteria in the "Milky seas effect".[6]
Non-marine bioluminescence is less widely distributed. The two best-known forms of land bioluminescence are fireflies and glow worms. Other insects, insect larvae, annelids,arachnids and even species of fungi have been noted to possess bioluminescent abilities. Some forms of bioluminescence are brighter (or exist only) at night, following a circadian rhythm.

Uses in nature

Bioluminescence has several functions in different taxa.

Counterillumination camouflage[edit]

In many animals of the deep sea, including several squid species, bacterial bioluminescence is used for counterillumination camouflage, in which the animal matches the overhead environmental light as seen from below.[7] In these animals, photoreceptors control the illumination to match the brightness of the background.[7] These light organs are usually separate from the tissue containing the bioluminescent bacteria. However, in one species, Euprymna scolopes, the bacteria are an integral component of the animal's light organ.[8]


Bioluminescence is used as a lure to attract prey by several deep sea fish such as the anglerfish. A dangling appendage that extends from the head of the fish attracts small animals to within striking distance of the fish.[9]
The cookiecutter shark uses bioluminescence to camouflage its underside, but a small patch near its pectoral fins remains dark, appearing as a small fish to large predatory fish like tuna and mackerel swimming beneath it. When such fish approach the lure, they are bitten by the shark.[10][11]
Dinoflagellates may use bioluminescence for defence against predators. They shine when they detect a predator, possibly making the predator itself more vulnerable by attracting the attention of predators from higher trophic levels.[12] A South American giant cockroach,Lucihormetica luckae, uses bioluminescence to mimic the toxic Pyrophorus beetle for defensive purposes.[13]

Attracting mates

The attraction of mates is seen actively in fireflies, which use periodic flashing in their abdomens to attract mates in the mating season.[14]
In the marine environment, use of luminescence for mate attraction is well documented only in ostracods, small shrimplike crustaceans. Pheromones may be used for long-distance communication, with bioluminescence used at close range to enable mates to "home in".


Certain squid and small crustaceans use bioluminescent chemical mixtures or bacterial slurries in the same way as many squid use ink. A cloud of luminescent material is expelled, distracting or repelling a potential predator, while the animal escapes to safety.[citation needed]


Aposematism is a widely used function of bioluminescence. It is suggested that many firefly larvae glow to repel predators. Millipedes have been shown to glow for the same purpose.[16]


Communication (quorum sensing) plays a role in the regulation of luminesence in many species of bacteria. Using small extracellularly secreted molecules, they turn on genes for light production only at high cell densities.[citation needed]


While most marine bioluminescence is green to blue, the Black Dragonfish produces a red glow. This adaptation allows the fish to see red-pigmented prey, which are normally invisible in the deep ocean environment where red light has been filtered out by the water column.[17]

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